As of this year, Google Play and Apple’s App Store contain more than 1,000,000 apps each. One million. With that amount of options, it can be difficult to choose which games to download on a week-to-week basis. Luckily for you, we at The Game Fanatics will be picking out a handful of titles each week that we think you should be on the lookout for. Happy gaming.
The Wolf Among Us
Developer: Telltale Games
Platform: iOS
Price: $4.99
If you somehow missed episode one of Telltale’s The Wolf Among Us (shame on you), you can now play it on your iOS device. Episode two is “coming soon,” and all five episodes are expected to launch by next summer.
Double Dragon Trilogy
Developer: Technōs Japan (original); DotEmu (port)
Platforms: Android; iOS
Price: $2.99
DotEmu has brought back Technōs Japan’s original Double Dragon trilogy in all of its co-op, beat-em-up glory. First released as a coin-operated arcade game in 1987, the first Double Dragon was soon followed by two sequels. Console versions eventually found their way onto shelves, but this mobile app is all about the arcade.
Nightmare: Malaria
Developer: Psyop Games
Platforms: Android; iOS
Price: Free
As part of a global initiative called The Establishment for the Greater Good, 8 students recently put together a 90-second PSA about malaria featuring the voice of Susan Sarandon. Psyop Games turned that video into an ambient mobile game, and it looks both curious and potentially tear-inducing.
Space Hulk
Developer: Full Control Studios
Platforms: iOS
Price: $9.99
Space Hulk was originally a 1989 board game by Games Workshop set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Earlier this year, Full Control Studios released a PC version to a decent reception. That game is now available and touch-screen optimized for iOS.
The Gate
Developer: Spicy Horse
Platforms: iOS
Price: Free
Spicy Horse is a studio opened by American McGee (a person), the game designer behind American McGee’s Alice back in 2000. That studio launched The Gate this week, a Diablo-style card battling game. McGee himself has called the game “Pokemon in Hell.”