This month Bandai Namco will unleash the most ambitious anime and manga crossover to date with Jump Force. Combining several decades of Shōnen Jump Characters and universes. Everything from cult classics like Dragon Ball Z to lesser-known worlds like City Hunter.
Trying to do justice to nearly every beloved character in the anime world. Sounds as insane as putting every Nintendo franchise into a platform fighting game, but I spoke with Cyrus Wesson, Community Manager of Jump Force, to talk about just that. He explained that Jump Force is the result of substantial research and anime love. The game is not merely a mash-up of imagination, but the answer to the life long dream of actually throwing a Kamehameha yourself.
With character customization, an absurd story, and a continually expanding roster Jump Force may be, well a force to reckon with. The world will have to wait until February 15th, but until then check out our interview with Cyrus.