2020 was a rough year for all of us but it was a pretty great year for games. I played some of my favorite games in recent memory and so coming up with a top 5 was obviously quite difficult this time around. Anyway, here are my top 5 this year with some honorable mentions.
5. Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Insomniac’s Spider-Man was a game I absolutely adored on the PlayStation 4 and once Miles Morales was announced, I was so happy that we would have the opportunity to play it at the launch of the new PlayStation 5 and it definitely didn’t disappoint. The game was marketed as a sort of spin off to the previous Spider-Man title, similar to Uncharted: Lost Legacy, so my expectations were set a bit lower when I learned this but I ended up being blown away at everything this game had to offer. The presentation, story, characters, and new gameplay mechanics all hit home for me.
4. Persona 5 Royal

Persona is my favorite series hands down. I obsess over these games and Persona 5 was no different. Royal takes things to an all new level with new characters, extra story, a new dungeon, and a ton of quality of life improvements. I put hundreds of hours into Persona 5 and Royal combined and I don’t regret a single second of it. This is a masterpiece and an absolute must play for fans of JRPGs.
3. The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part 2 is dark, painful, and incredibly bleak and maybe 2020 wasn’t the best year for a game like this, but I’m super glad I got to play it. TLoU Part 2 does incredible things with storytelling and character development and while the mechanics didn’t change much from the first go around, the story itself made it all worth it. Naughty Dog managed to add another hit to its resume and even though there was a lot of controversy surrounding this one, I still really enjoyed it.
2. Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake was a game I almost never expected to see. It had been so long since it was announced, I was at the point of thinking if we did see it, it might not be all that great. I was so wrong, this game is incredible. It’s easily the best looking game I’ve seen on the PlayStation 4, and seeing these characters in a modern light made me fall in love with them all over again. Plus the new combat mechanics were complex enough to keep me engaged and challenged throughout. I’m disappointed it was split into separate games, but I can’t wait to play the next one, whenever that rolls out.
1. Ghost of Tsushima

Ghost of Tsushima is my game of the year. It takes a lot of the classic open world mechanics and refines them to a point of near perfection. The combat is fun and the world is beautiful. I am a sucker for Samurai and this game is easily my favorite representation. It may not be a perfectly accurate depiction but it’s incredibly fun and the story kept me engaged throughout. I loved Ghost of Tsushima and I really hope it gets a sequel or spin off of some sort. I would love to play more.
Honorable Mentions
Mafia Definitive Edition

This one is a special one for me. The original Mafia on the PS2 still holds as one of my all time favorite games to this day. The ultra realistic mechanics and incredibly challenging gameplay were something I always remembered it for but the story was something I always thought was a love letter to fans of classic mob flicks. Mafia Definitive Edition may be one of the best remakes I’ve ever played. Everything from the original carries over with incredible presentation and I couldn’t have been more impressed with the game this time around.
Demon’s Souls Remake

The Demon’s Souls Remake is incredible. I never played the original, at least not much anyway, but I was excited to dip my toes into this one. I recently started getting into Souls games this year and got hooked so this remake came at the perfect time. And from what I understand it stays true to the original. It’s one I keep coming back to and may be one of my favorite Souls games period.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing is typically a game I get into very casually. New Horizons on the other hand was a bit different because I quickly became obsessed with it. It was all I played for a while and then my wife also became hooked, and then my daughter, and so it quickly became a family game for us. I spent a ton of time in Animal Crossing and I still really enjoy checking back in and seeing what’s happening at different times of the year.