Pyromania has been kicked off by the Team Fortress 2 team over at Valve. Pyromania will be a 3 day celebration that will feature the reveal of new game features for TF2, among them being new game modes.
One of the new game modes is called Doomsday, where BLU and RED fight for the right to launch a rocket into space. BLU and RED move fuel up an incredibly slow elevator to fill ‘er up as they attempt to launch said rocket. The new game mode also comes with 11 new achievements.
The ninth and final installment of the “Meet the Team” series will make its debut. “Meet the Pyro” will premiere on Wednesday, so keep an eye out for that video short.
If you want to join in on the festivities and are curious to learn more, visit the Pyromania page at the Team Fortress website.