Beat The Winter Blues With Video Games

Winter has me down. Minimal sunshine and maximum snow are teaming up to ensure I maintain a miserable outlook for the next three months. However, …

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Castle Crashers' audience is equivalent in size to a hypothetical 5th largest city in the US

I loved Castle Crashers. Both single player and multiplayer. It was an awesome, silly, creative, and fun game. So, I’m happy to hear that they …

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Set Your Price: Humble Indie Bundle #2

Doing nice things is nice. Getting things for cheap is nice. The Humble Indie Bundle #2 allows you to do both! Pay what you want. …

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Arts, and Farts, and Crafts!

Crafting is good for the soul. Video games are bliss. I’ve compiled a list of awesome instructables that combine these two wonderful things. Want to …

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Artist meets Gamer: Interview with Pixel Painter Francis Gordon

I, DefyAllLogic (Tavia) of The Game Fanatics, had a chance to e-meet and interview artist Francis Gordon. Francis is an international pixel artist. Unlike most …

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I will wife the $#!t out of this house!

It’s one of my many goals in life to be a kick-ass house wife. Not like subservient and wearing mom-jeans and wiping snot from kids’ …

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Go buy yourself something nice!

Fun, kitsch, obscure, awesome. Products based on video games that don’t try too hard or appeal to the hipster masses. Everyone (even your mom) knows …

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