super mario bros


A List of 25 Possible Wii U Launch Titles?

A photo of a Blockbuster UK’s database shows a list of games that are possible set launch titles for the Wii U. Although there’s no …

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“The Art of Video Games” Exhibit Comes to The Smithsonian on March 16

The Smithsonian American Art Museum will be debuting its new exhibit, “The Art of Video Games”, on March 16. The showcase will observe video games …

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Vehicle of the Week: Mario Kart's Toad

Toad The lightweight and fast fungus amungus. A lot of people don’t give Toad enough credit. He is one amazing little man. He is the …

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Thirty Days of Video Games Day Thirty – The One Game Everyone Should Play

There’s a few games out there that I would recommend that everyone plays but it will be the same games that I’ve talked about during …

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Save the Princess, Beat the Game

A common objective in many games is to save the princess. She is the ultimate representative of your side, your society, your inability to self-govern. Without your …

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Thirty Days of Video Games: Day Eight – Best Soundtrack

Picking the best soundtrack is one of the hardest things to do for this project. There are tracks from almost every video game that I …

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Thirty Days of Video Games: Day One – Very First Video Game

I’ve been using Tumblr more and more recently and one of the things that I came across are the “30 Days” of something, be it …

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Artist meets Gamer: Interview with Pixel Painter Francis Gordon

I, DefyAllLogic (Tavia) of The Game Fanatics, had a chance to e-meet and interview artist Francis Gordon. Francis is an international pixel artist. Unlike most …

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Wii Not Getting Any Cheaper This Christmas, No Sir

On the look out for a cheaper Wii this Christmas? No? Chances are you already own one, according to Satoru Iwata – and in any case, he’s not prepared to slash the price of the Wii any lower just because we happen to be approach…

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