Suicide Squad
Epic Games Versus Apple & Battletoads Impressions! | Final Checkpoint Podcast Ep. 51
Joel Ramirez
September 2, 2020
This week Joel and Ben cover some of the latest news in video games including Epic Games’ lawsuit against Apple and Google, DC’s Fandome event …
Suicide Squad Seems to be Taking the Easy Way Out | Fanatical Take
Myles Gann
January 20, 2016
The second trailer for Suicide Squad seems to be painting a more care-free version of DC universe events, which would be a huge mistake.
Full-Length Suicide Squad Trailer Brings The Queen
Richard Donaldson
January 20, 2016
Set to the bombastic operatic tune of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” the first full length trailer for DC’s Suicide Squad film adaptation has hit.
The Comic Fanatic – 11/15: This one goes to Eleven!
Greg DeVries
November 18, 2012
That’s right, this week had an astonishing number of excellent titles, that I really don’t want to exclude any. So, on this mega, ultra sized …
The Comic Fanatic – Week of 9/20: DC's Zero Month
Greg DeVries
September 23, 2012
Welcome back True Believers! We have a first for The Comic Fanatic this week – I’m gonna spotlight DC for the very first time.