

Glitterglaze Glacier New Yooka Laylee Trailer

New Yooka-Laylee Trailer Gets Frosty

The new Yooka-Laylee trailer shows off Playtonic Games’s upcoming 3D platformer and a beautifully nostalgic ice world.

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A Collection of all Nintendo 64 Games Ever Released, Could Be Yours

What price would you put on a complete, carefully looked after collection of all Nintendo 64 games ever released?

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Killer Instinct is back! At least… in some fashion

It’s been a while, but word has it that developer Rare’s oldschool IP, Killer Instinct , is finally being revived. It had quite the fanbase back in …

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One Thing I'll Miss About The Good Old Days

Gaming as we know it has gone through a lot of changes from its conception. The largest of these, at least in my experience, have …

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A Skyward Sword Rant from a Longtime Zelda Fan

So I read the review we have on our site and, while I agree with it, there are some things I’d like to mention about …

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The Christmas Nintendo Stocking

George Marriott runs downstairs in anticipation on Nintendo goodies, and finds some.

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