Modern Warfare 3


Premium Call of Duty Elite Members Get a Nice Christmas Surprise

Premium Call of Duty Elite members aren’t going empty-handed for Christmas. Or at least the ones playing Modern Warfare 3 aren’t. Santa Activision is good to its …

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TGF Press Start Week Ending December 11

This is a weekly segment where we share what games we are currently playing for our readers to get to know us a bit better. …

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Xbox Banter Cast 29 – Frenching

This week we continue the trend of posting super late, but it’s worth it. In this episode we take a good look at Skyrim, Assassin’s …

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Raptr Reveals Playtime Stats for Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3

When it comes to the recent Battlefield 3 Vs. Modern Warfare 3 debate there’s been very little in the way of assessing a winner. Sure …

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Woman Attempts to Sell Husband on Craigslist

What happens when you play too much Call of Duty? Well, if you are Kyle Baddley from Utah, your wife may attempt to sell you …

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TGF Press Start: Week Ending November 13

This is a weekly segment where we share what games we are currently playing for our readers to get to know us a bit better. …

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This Week In Games: The Call of Duty Evolution Skyrim Soccer HD Collection Edition

I hope your wallet is fat, because this week is going to be a killer on it. Let’s jump right into it. Call of Duty: Modern …

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Hijacked – 6,000 Copies of MW3 Stolen

It seems as though the hype for Infinity Ward’s next installment in the Call of Duty franchise has tipped the scales as a truck that …

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Update: Kmart Fires the First Shot, Sells Modern Warfare 3 Early

Apparently some Kmart stores accidently sold copies of Modern Warfare 3 early! And while most people might spend the rest of the day playing one …

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Modern Warfare 3 Launch Trailer — New Video

The closer and closer we get to launch date the more all of us Call of Duty fans get excited. I know I am. The …

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Logitech Introduces Gaming Keyboard and Mouse for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

It seems everyone is gearing up for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3‘s release on November 11, 2011. First Turtle Beaches Modern Warfare 3 branded headsets, and now Logitech’s …

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In Case You Missed It — Modern Warfare 3 on The Colbert Report

If you have never watched The Colbert Report you are clearly missing out. Stephen Colbert has a segment called Tip of the Hat / Wag of …

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Call of Duty Elite Beta Now on PS3

Starting today the beta for the Call of Duty Elite service on PS3 begins! The beta has been available on the Xbox360 for a couple months now but …

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