Guerrilla Games


Frozen Wilds

Guerrilla Unveils More Details About The Frozen Wilds DLC

Horizon’s only DLC, The Frozen Wilds, is coming on November 7. Guerrilla Games has talked a little bit more about what to expect from Aloy’s next adventure.

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Horizon: Zero Dawn

Horizon: Zero Dawn: Guerrilla Games Already Talking About Sequel

On the back of positive reviews and strong sales, Guerrilla Games starts talking about a possible sequel for Horizon: Zero Dawn.

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Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn Will Expand its Story in a DLC

Guerrilla’s managing director, Hermen Hulst, has announced that the team is already working on a story expansion for Horizon Zero Dawn.

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Horizon: Zero Dawn Review Roundup – What the Critics are Saying

Does Sony have a new hit franchise on their hands? Check out our roundup of Horizon: Zero Dawn reviews and find out.

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Horizon: Zero Dawn’s Pre Launch Gameplay, Going Into Details

Horizon: Zero Dawn – Learn more about the game’s apocalyptic world by as we take a closer look at Guerrilla Games’ upcoming PS4 exclusive.

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Guerrilla Games Cambridge Shut Down by Sony

Guerrilla Games Cambridge Shut Down by Sony

2017 has claimed its first victim in the form of Guerrilla Games Cambridge, a legendary studio that made gaming gems for nearly two decades.

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Horizon Zero Dawn Delayed to 2017, New Trailer and Boxart Revealed

Horizon Zero Dawn has been Delayed to 2017

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Could Aloy From Horizon: Zero Dawn Become The Next Big Sony Mascot?

Look out Drake, Horizon’s Aloy is coming for the throne.

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Killzone: Shadow Fall First Gameplay Footage

In case you missed it last night, the new Killzone was revealed at the PlayStation event (Check out Darrin’s recap of it all here) along …

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SCEA Officially Announces Killzone 3 Hardware Bundle

Sony is becoming the leader in bundling consoles and games, and they look to put their foot on the pedal with their latest combination. With …

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PS3 Titles For NGP Not Being Made By Original Dev's

With excitement for the Sony NGP coming and the list of games that will be available for the handheld, the question is now; who is …

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Killzone 3 Just Went Gold

Just announced via PlayStation Blog, Killzone 3, set to be released on February 22nd, just went gold. Killzone 3 takes place right where Killzone 2 …

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Sony's 2011 Launch List

Well the guys over at Sony just keep outdoing themselves each year, and 2011 looks to be one hell of a leap from 2010. With such awesome games as MGS: Rising, Killzone 3, Crysis 2, and Dynasty Warriors 7 next year looks to be very promising indeed. Also let’s not forget a certain rumor that we’ll very much like to see become a reality.

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