

PAX South And Beta Talk (The Division And UFC 2 Beta Impressions) | TGF Podcast Ep 001

I’m so excited to announce that our podcast is back: and you can listen to the first episode of The Game Fanatics podcast, right here…right …

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Five Most Exciting PC Exclusives Coming in 2016

Five Most Exciting PC Exclusives Coming in 2016 | Fanatical Five

As 2016 peeks over the horizon and slowly crawls into the light, these are five of the most hotly anticipated PC exclusives coming with it.

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PAX Prime 2014 | Greybox Demos Dreadnought and its Massive Battleships

There are more games at PAX than you can possibly know about going in.

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Relic Teases the Dreadnought for January

Relic teased an image of the Dreadnought on the Space Marine Twitter yesterday as a bit of an early Christmas gift to Space Marine fans. The …

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