


Hitachi Global Storage Technologies (Hitachi GST) today announced that it is now shipping its new Ultrastar C10K900 enterprise drive family. Continuing its quality and performance …

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OCZ Launches ZS Power Supply Series

OCZ  a leading provider of high-performance solid-state drives (SSDs) and power supplies for computing devices and systems, announces the ZS Power Supply Series that offer …

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IBM pushing memory to new heights

IBM, a company known for making leaps and bounds in technology, announced a few days ago that they have made a breakthrough in memory. This breakthrough achieves …

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China's Kinect alternative

An edict by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China prohibits the sale of video game consoles and accessories in the country by any …

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Motion control: Which came first the Wii Move or Kinect?

Now the answers you find below may very well shock the life out of you, so I’ve been urged to issue a warning. Caution: Do …

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X-Men Arcade Release Dates

For those who only own a Ps3, you will have to wait until February to play Konami’s 1992 arcade hit, X-Men. However, if you own …

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Kinect is Selling Faster than the iPad?

The big thing this holiday season seems to be XB360’s motion sensing gadget, Kinect. Kinect is even selling 2x faster than the iPad did when …

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Borderlands GotY Edition Coming to Mac

For those of you who haven’t had a chance to play Borderlands yet on your Mac, here is your chance. Gearbox is releasing a Game …

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Get ready for another forced firmware update PS3 users!

Hide ya kids! Hide ya wives! And hide ya 3.50 firmware update ’cause PS Jailbreak is raping erry PS3 consoles out there! Eh, sorry for …

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G-Spot Podcast EP 23

Today I bring you the first official episode of the G-Spot hosted by @fanatical_g and @fanatical_Marz and we talk about a variety of news topics. …

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Around the Web: A few Gadgets you will kill and/or die for

Gadgets are more unusual and more clever than normal technological objects and that makes them gain popularity. These wonderful gizmos ease our daily routine and …

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Chime on Steam

For those who don’t own an XB360 and enjoy puzzle games infused with music, Chime will be hitting Steam today and will come with a …

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Sony's TGS Lineup

With the Tokyo Game Show right around the corner, it’s going to be hard for Sony to outperform and out deliver the success they achieved …

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