

Dragon Age: Inquisition Boxart Has Been Revealed, Masks Gender

The Dragon Age Facebook page dropped an image of epic proportions: the cover for upcoming Dragon Age: Inquisition. We know what you’re going to say…So …

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Mass Effect Sequel Still in Production at Bioware

It’s been nearly two years since the release of the last games in the franchise, Mass Effect 3 and, Mass Effect: Infiltrator. But chatter from Bioware management makes it clear that they’re still hard at work on the franchise.

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Is the Mass Effect Trilogy Ready to Assimilate the Current Generation?

With one simple tweet, the gaming community erupts. With a slight mention of the possibility of the Mass Effect series heading to the PlayStation 4 …

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Mass Effect N7 Leather Jacket Will Assume Direct Control of Your Wardrobe

Mass Effect fans have been wishing for the N7 Leather Jacket to be real ever since it was introduced in Mass Effect 3. Well, the …

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The Shadow Sun Review | Strong Roots, Wilted Leaves

The Shadow Sun comes from a pedigree of BioWare-caliber production, but it’s not the innovative RPG you might think it is.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic | Is it Still Worth Paying For

I’ve been a paid subscriber to Star Wars: The Old Republic since the get go. I’ve been playing since the beta. Yesterday I finished the …

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PAX Prime | Does Story Really Matter

PAX Prime had a panel dubbed “Does Story Matter in Video Games”. This panel consisted of Mike Laidlaw, Richard Dansky, Gary White and Robert Ferrigno.

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BioWare Announces Dragon Age Keep

If there’s one thing BioWare games are particularly good at, it’s making your choices made in one game carry over to another one. So how …

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Dragon Age: Inquisition Graces the Cover of GameInformer

The newest edition of GameInformer will feature Dragon Age: Inquisition.

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Dragon Age Saves do Matter in Dragon Age Inquisition

During PAX Australia this weekend, Cameron Lee, producer at Bioware, announced that your saved games from both Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2 do …

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E3 2013 | Dragon Age Inquisition Fall 2014

The sky rips opens and demons from another realm enter the land of Thedas. Fires rage as friends are lost in the epic trailer for …

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Attention Meatbags with an iPad Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is Here

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is available now for the Apple iPad!

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The Mass Effect Turian Cruiser

Enjoy collecting video game memorabilia? Like Mass Effect? Well my friends, you are in luck!

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