aliens colonial marines


What's going on, at London Comic Con?

London Comic Con is just under a month away and it looks like it’ll be host to a plethora of pop-culture entertainment. Geeks and geekettes …

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PAX East – Aliens: Colonial Marines Could Be A Breakout Multiplayer Smash

I had no idea what to expect when I walked up tot he Aliens: Colonial Marines booth. Here was this big bunker type building, Randy Pitchford, …

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Aliens Colonial Marines Gameplay Footage Showcase

With PAX less than 24 hours away from its official start time, information has already begun to leak out about certain games. One of those …

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Randy Pitchford Gives up the Goods on Aliens Colonial Marines

In a two part interview with, Randy Pitchford gives up the juicy details about Aliens Colonial Marines, and lists some of the reason why …

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Aliens: Colonial Marines Demo Walk Through

Today the infamous E3 demo of Aliens: Colonial Marines surfaced on the internet, and surprisingly enough it’s being narrated by Gearbox’s own CEO Randy Pitchford. The Demo in my …

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