Calling all kids, squids, and everything in between! Nintendo has recently revealed that Splatoon is getting a humongous free update to the game on August 5th.
Over the summer, Nintendo has been releasing mini updates to Splatoon. These updates included new maps, weapons, and a new multiplayer mode. But this update certainly takes the calamari! Let’s go over what they have to offer.
First up is that the level cap will be raised from 20 to 50. As someone who has played a lot of Splatoon, having the huge leap of a level cap is so exciting and also a little terrifying. Getting just up level 20 alone takes awhile, now imagine doubling that up and then some! Not only that but player’s will also be able to raise their ranks from A+ to now S and S+ in Ranked Battles. It is also safe to assume that because of the new level cap, there are going to be new weapons that will probably require you to be a “freshness” level higher than 20.
Speaking of new weapons, the new Splatoon update will also include two brand new weapons classes. The first class being the Splatling, a Gatling gun type weapon that not only acts like its source material, but also has the ability to charge up shot and fire a powerful blast of ink. The other new weapon class is the Sloshers which are buckets that you hurl ink with. The weapon has an impressive range and covers a lot of ground if used right.
A great new way to try out these new weapons is in the brand new multiplayer modes that this update will provide! First of the new modes is Squad Battles. This mode allows you and up to three of your friends to get together and challenge other squads with the rules of Ranked Battles. The other new mode, Private Battle, allow to create and customize your own matches with just your friends. Up until now there was no for you do any kind of match making in Splatoon so this is a real treat for players that missed that option.

Last but not least, the update will also include 40 brand new pieces of gear to purchase from the shops. Whether or not there will be new abilities associated with the new gear is unknown but would be really cool. Also just having more ways to customize your character is always really awesome.
This is absolutely incredibly amount of content that we are getting for free. Best part, it’s not the last! Splatoon will continue to get free updates throughout the rest summer and the fall. Splatoon player’s definitely have a lot to look forward to get ink-cited about! Stay fresh!