Sony have a nice trick up their sleeve that is set to revolutionize our lives in 2030. Hover cars!? Nope. Virtual reality gaming!? Nope. Pay-as-you-go power which utilizes a short range-range wireless FeliCA transmitter and other goodies so that you can swipe a pay card across the faceplate and pay for energy right where you are? Certainly!
Let me try and put it as simply as I can. You know when you see people effortlessly flashing a card at a sensor, which immediately allows them through the gate so that they can catch their train or bus, simply because they have already paid the money onto the fancy little card? It’s similar to this.
Getting your power from an electric company would no longer be necessary – you’d draw power from a battery in your house which stores the electricity gained from your super efficient, stylish 2030 solar and wind power generation sources.
Going into even more detail, there would be an app where you can see how much power is available from the variety of power sources throughout your home. You’d be able to glance at your phone or tablet, and see that your electric car is running out of power. If it was an especially windy day, you’d be able to make your TV use wind power, instead of solar.
It goes without saying that this is a concept. A massive amount could happen in 20 years, so who knows. We have to disprove those that think we are going to die in December first . . .
Watch the video below for a more detailed description of Sony’s plans. It even has pretty women using the futuristic cars and TVs. So even if you don’t care about energy, it’s worth a watch!
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