While You Were Sleeping… Sony Had Their TGS Presser

As we did yesterday, we’re here today to catch you up with the events of last nights (or morning if you were in Japan) events in Tokyo Game Show, featuring Sony’s opening press conference.

You already know about the PlayStation Vita’s Japan launch date, but here’s what you may have missed.

Let’s start with the basics. There’s 26 different games that will be available during the launch window, and they are:

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II Plus
Browser Sangokushi Touch Battle
Project N.O.E.L.S.
Fish On
Dynasty Warriors Musou Next
Shinobido II
Power Smash 4
Uncharted: Golde Abyss
Hot Shots Golf 6
F1 2011
Dream Club
Disgaea 3: Return
Katamari no Biita
Shin Kamaitacho no Yoru
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Yuusha no Kiroku
Dark Quest
Lord of the Apocalypse
Michael Jackson Experience HD
NicoNico Douga
Sawari Makuuru
Ridge Racer
Monster Radar
Minna to Issho: Friend Network
Army Corps of Hell

Now, some of these aren’t exactly games, per say. Instead, their downloadable apps. No word on if these apps will make it stateside, but I’d be surprised if they didn’t.

As for what PlayStation Vita owners can expect for games outside the release window, Sony dropped some tasty details for us, starting off with an HD port of Final Fantasy.

Oh wait. You want to know which one it is, don’t you?

It’s Final Fantasy X, and it’s also coming to the PS3. The HD remake will help celebrate the game’s 10th anniversary.

Zone of  the Enders will also be getting an HD remake on the Vita, as well as the Metal Gear Solid HD title.

In addition, expect to see entries in the Ninja Gaiden, Katamari, and Marvel vs Capcom series hit the Sony handheld.

Finally, there’s that always touchy subject of backwards compatibility. Fear not, because not only will the Vita play most downloadable PSP games, but Sony is also working on a way to enable Vita owners to play UMD games. No details have been announced on that particular manner, but here’s to hoping I can play Darkstalkers on my Vita.

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