Star Trek brings the return of the Gorn but first, William Shatner has an unfinished score to settle.
In all fairness, Shatner hit first in the latest trailer to promote the Star Trek game, set to be released on April 23rd. Watch as Shatner and the Gorn battle each other before having to gasp for air. Also sprinkled in are some shots of the Star Trek video game.
Star Trek is a co-op shooter with puzzle elements. Play as Kirk as he shoots his way and play as Spock who takes the more logical approach to things. Take the battle aboard the Enterprise and experience the iconic ship like never before.
Star Trek the video game is on track to be released shortly before Star Trek: Into Darkness, which has always been NamcoBandai‘s plan. Never has a video game based off of a movie been so thought out and not rushed than this one. Because lets face it, we’re skeptical when a video game based on a movie comes out and hopefully Star Trek the video game will break that mold.
Star Trek will be launching for the PC, XB360, and Ps3 video game systems on April 23rd. Star Trek into Darkness will be in theaters on May 17th.