Check out the cover art for Saints Row IV above. It features broboss, the character you control, along with Kinzie and Shaundi. Should Deep Silver create a separate box cover art featuring femboss since gamers can create their own main character? Personally, I played as femboss the first time around in Saints Row the Third and the second time I played as broboss. Both I enjoyed and the voice work for the male and female boss were fantastic. Either way, I like the cover for Saints Row IV but with video games where you can choose the sex of the main character, should we have the female and male main character featured in the cover art? Have both on the cover like in Mass Effect 3‘s collector’s edition? Deep Silver could go with a reversible cover to satisfy the masses. What are your thoughts?
Saints Row IV is the direct sequel to Saints Row the Third and was partly meant to be a DLC dubbed Enter the Dominatrix. Things change and we end up with a full fledge game that involves aliens and super powers. Saints Row IV takes places a year after Saints Row the Third and will be avaible on August 20 for North America and August 23 in Europe.