Over the past week there have been signs pointing to a sequel for the cult hit Mirror’s Edge, between the listing of Mirror’s Edge 2 on Amazon Italy and a help page on EA’s website this may very well be true, but could it be an Xbox One exclusive?
With mentions of only an Xbox One version surfacing could an exclusive release be part of a newly strengthened relationship with EA? Could Mirror’s Edge 2 be included in the 7 exclusive games that Microsoft talked about during its press conference?
Games with the potential to sell gangbusters aren’t usually confined to one particular console unless the developing company is owned. In any regard, EA is the sort of company that would break the mold, especially for the right price, and Microsoft has a reported $1billion tucked away for exclusive games and deals.
Of course, only rumors and speculation are swirling as a Mirror’s Edge sequel has yet to be announced and online retailers often use placeholder listings to generate traffic and preorders just in case, but they also get in trouble often for announcing games early and spoiling surprises.