I woke up this morning feeling like I needed a workout, so what did I do? Blew the dust off my Wii and busted in some Wii Resort action. Now here I am, two hours later with my wake-boarding challenge on pause sitting at my laptop about to berate Microsoft…ah the joys of summertime.
The Wii is a great console…the Wii is revolutionary and everyone who says anything to the contrary is a dimwit…the Wii achieved a level of popularity that the PS3 and 360 could only dream of…it captured a niche that for ages had been ignored. Now Sony and Microsoft are hopping on the “lets get players off the couch” bandwagon and I’m like WTF!
Project Natal…what are you? What can I do with you? Power my 360 with my voice? Imagine a controller in my hand and play kindergarten PS Eye games on you? Natal…if that’s even your real name, how are you going to benefit me? I’m not trying to engage in physical activity while playing a video game…I don’t want to have to duck behind my couch when going for cover in Gears of War or point my finger at the screen and go pew! pew!
I mean come on Microsoft, where is your innovation? Where is your passion? Where is your drive? And my biggest question of all…WTF ARE YOU DOING IN THE VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY? Let’s look at the 360…where do I start? From the RRoD issues to the crappy user interface, crappy design, no blue-ray, no built in WiFi, a system that was put on the market without being thoroughly tested all in the name of profit. The Wii beat you to the motion controller punch, hell even Sony with the sixaxis controller, and now the “Move”…so what’s this I hear about Natal coming out in October? Is this another effort to trump Sony…which may not be too hard, seeing as how the move looks like one big dildo.
I would like for Sony and Microsoft to just take a step back and breathe..take a look at why they are in this industry in the first place. Yes there’s competition and each company is always going to try and one up the other but damn this is just ridiculous and I just might be going back to my PC for all of my gaming needs.
/end rant