Press Start: What We Played for Week 29

Welcome fanatics to Press Start! This is a weekly editorial that dives into what we here at The Game Fanatics have been playing. No spoilers on the newer games that we’re playing but we will give you a quick insight on how good or bad it is. Games will range from retro to new, casual to FPS, we play it all!


Oh, the Steam sale has been very good/bad to me. I’ve been playing a bit of everything: Rogue Legacy (hard but fun), Deadpool (shallow but fun), both Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (that one’s from GamersGate instead). I think I doubled my gaming library over this past week, finances be damned.


I didn’t get a lot of gaming in this week. I did manage to get some time in with SWTOR, however. I’m on the last planet for the main storyline and I’ve already hit level 50. This past Saturday, after a few delays, I finally played some Star Wars D&D.


Still working on Project X Zone. It’s slowly getting beaten. It got delayed because of the other game I’m playing, EarthBound (Wii U VC). EarthBound, EarthBound, EarthBound! I still can’t believe I’m finally getting a chance to play this great game. Thanks, Nintendo.



Dynasty Warriors 8 came out this week, so me and my buddies have been hacking, slashing and stabbing our way through Feudal China once again, and loving every moment of it. Highly recommended.


Bunch of random Steam games because of the sales. Played through Dust: An Elysian Tail and really enjoyed it. It’s a combat focused Metroidvania with a very sharp artstyle. Super fun. Spent some time playing the Diablo clone The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. That is also really fun. I also downloaded Earthbound from the Wii U store thing but it will be a long time before I get to it.

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