What We Played for Week Ending March 25

This is a weekly segment where we share what games we are currently playing for our readers to get to know us a bit better. Said games can range from retro to current and from casual to FPS games. If we’re playing it, we’ll share it. Please feel free to comment with what you’re playing or your opinions on the games that we’re involved with.


William: Restarted Mass Effect 3 on insanity. Still not too hard, engineer is seriously strong. Reinstalled Diablo 2, awwwwwwe yeeeeeaaaaaah. Playing Hero Academy on my iPhone when I get the chance. Haven’t had much time to game this week 🙁

Jake: Playing through Kid Icarus. Love the gameplay, not so much the controls.

Jeff: I had never legitimately played through the main Half-Life games, but now I can check off Half-Life 2 and it’s first expansion, Episode 1. I’m at the final chapter of Episode 2, and dreading the final battle. I’ve also started what I think will be my 17th time playing through Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Arkham City will most likely follow. In between, I’ve been checking out Draw Something and Jetpack Joyride on iOS, and dabbled a bit in the fantastic Abobo’s Big Adventure, a flash game that, if nothing else, serves as the greatest tribute to the NES era of gaming.

Jen: I’ve been working through Mass Effect 3 on insanity. This is my second play-through and I’m playing it as renegade Shepard. It has been very hard being mean to the characters that I’ve grown to like over the years. Being a renegade in ME3 seems harder and more emotional than the past two installments. As for playing on insanity, I’m about half way and its not as hard as ME2‘s insanity mode, but I’m sure it will be or maybe I’ve gotten that much better.

Catherine: I’ve been playing Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. God damn, the multiplayer is great and just so damned addicting. I’ve also picked up Perfect Dark Zero. Just trying it out because I loved the original on N64. I know I’m about 6 years late, but the game still looks amazing for being one of the original titles out on the 360. However, the level designs are a bit wonky. Not sure how I feel about it just yet. I guess I’ll pass final judgment after I’m a little more than an hour in. 😛 I also started playing The Darkness. Yet another game I have yet to really get into. However, I really dig the comic book, modern mob feel of the game. I’ve always been a sucker for that noir, mob genre. Mix a little fantasy spice into that? Sounds like my kind of game!

Chris: Played some matches in Street Fighter X Tekken. When playing online I’m either really good or really bad. There is no in between. However my team of Paul Phoenix & Ken Masters has been clicking more than not.

Jason: I may have spoke too soon about Star Wars: The Old Republic. After seeing all the changes coming up in the big 1.2 update, I’ve been drawn back and am really looking forward to what’s in store. A friend also gave me a scroll of resurrection for World of Warcraft which entitled me to a free level 80 character and seven days of free play. So, been playing a druid (a class I had always wanted to try). Good times.

Samuel: I rented Street Fighter X Tekken dusting off the old Fight Stick, downloaded Angry Birds Space and really dug the new gravity variable. Also played some good old GTA4 with some friends as well as finishing Uncharted 3 and starting up Mass Effect 2 again.

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