NYCC 2012 | Gearing up for New York Comic Con!

We’re gearing up to attend the biggest geek culture event to hit the East Coast, New York Comic Con! Charles and Kae here reporting live in New York, currently drinking tea and resting our poor legs as we spend our weekend surrounded by geeks and nerds alike.

There are several panels on our proverbial to-do list, and in between those we’ll also be checking out Capcom’s arsenal of games including Lost Planet 3Remember Me, and attending their World of Capcom panel on Saturday. Disney’s Epic Mickey 2 panel is also on our plate as is Stan Lee’s World of Heroes.

We’ll be attending a private media event hosted by Square Enix where we’re particularly looking forward to checking out Tomb Raider and Hitman: Absolution, and we’ll be spending some time with Connor as we check out Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed III and Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth.

A few other tidbits of mention – @ProjectTriforce unveiled their newest project – the Torque Bow, which looks incredibly bad ass, in fact we’ve got some pictures and more information coming soon.

Kae and I will be tweeting and instagramming from the showfloor, so be sure you’re following us: @fanaticalg @idkmybffkae.

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