New DLC Trailer for Fallout 4: Nuka-World

Fallout 4

If you missed the last few iterations of Fallout 4 DLC then now’s not a bad time to catch up. The latest reveal trailer from Bethesda Studios has our wasteland heroes spending the day at Nuka-World, a theme park that used to be filled with joy.

Fallout 4 has already had numerous installments of DLC: Far Harbour, Automatron as well as Contraption, Wasteland and Vault-Tec Workshops. Now it’s time to venture into yet another unexplored area in the Fallout Universe, the long abandoned Nuka-World theme park.

Fallout 4

The trailer showcases a series of new enemies, weapons and equipment for the hero to use – most of which is Nuka Cola themed, go figure. From colourful guns, to an electric ping-pong paddle and even a Nuka brand power armour suit. The Story in the DLC revolves around expunging a group of aggressive raiders known as The Road Mongers who have been terrorizing the people who live in the park.

Maps seem pretty expansive, but whether or not it’s as large as Far Harbour will remain to be seen. But there’s a ton of fun to be had in Kiddie Kingdom, Wild West Zone and the Safari Adventure! Coupled with a fair degree of death and danger as well.

The DLC will be released later this month and as of now Bethesda has not revealed any plans to release more DLC for Fallout 4. But be sure to check the Game Fanatics and we’ll keep you updated.

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