Before we even get into this article, realize that this is all MY OPINION. The facts are facts, but as for my infinite hatred for the two companies I spit on in this article, that is all personal, and opinion. If you are a fan of either company that I badmouth, feel free to talk crap about me in the comments 🙂
Anyone that knows me knows how much I hate both AT&T and Microsoft. If you don’t, I hate these two companies so much that if I had a genie that would grant me one wish, I would wish for AT&T and Microsoft to literally become humans and then mate and have a baby, and then I would stab that baby in the heart in front of them as a sacrifice to all things good in technology and then perform an open heart surgery on them both with my teeth. Too dark? When it comes to these two companies and my hatred for their evil ways, I say not dark enough.
AT&T wouldn’t even be around anymore if Verizon and Sprint had the intelligence to invest in the iPhone when Apple first shopped it to them both, but they didn’t want to meet the needs of APPLE “one of the reasons I love Apple so much in the first place.”
See, Apple wanted FULL CONTROL over their buyer/seller relationship. Why? Well, the bottom line is Apple thrives on two things, and you will see how it is these two things that have defined their company, and made them the company we know today, versus the general school of thought on both AT&T and Microsoft.
So why so much hatred for AT&T? Well, this is a company that was literally filing for bankruptcy when Apple saved their @$$, and yet, they have the nerve to have hidden charges in their plans, screw over their customers, provide the worst rated customer service in the world, and hire nothing but staff with world class stupidity. AND they have the nerve to complain that customers eat up too much of their bandwidth and therefore they will charge more for iPHONE users!?!?!? WTF AT&T?!?!?
And as for Microsoft. Here’s a company that thinks it’s just good business to sell broken products to their user base, thus forcing everyone that buys into their crap to have to come back and purchase patches, fixes, and more. This dumbass mindset bleeds into everything that they do, right down to gaming. Yes, When the XBOX360 first rolled out, it had a literal malfunction rate of %77
…this means, on Christmas day the year of the X360 release, %77 of you turned on your new gaming system, and received what is now infamously refferred to as the “three rings of death”. Meaning your system was #$%^%&# dead on arrival. Ridiculous.
I want to note that I plan on writing a similar article focusing on Mircosoft in the gaming arena, and why it blows chunks next to both Nintendo and Sony, and even further, why Sony is lagging behind Nintendo, and even more importantly, why at the end of the day, it very well might be Nintendo, and Apple, on the top of the gaming community, but I digress…
Myself along with a million other T-Mobile customers at the beginning of 2010 also experienced something unforgivable. Our 2009 Sidekick models ALL LOST THEIR INFORMATION!!!! Our notes, phonebooks, friend lists, contacts, emails, texts…ALL GONE. I couldn’t believe this, because you all also know how much I LOVE T-Mobile, rated #1 “sometimes 2” in customer service only losing first place every now and again to Apple. So I was shocked when this happened. I called T-Mobile and naturally, being the awesome company that they are, they said I am free to switch to a new blackberry for free, or get a free pass on a few months worth of phone bills.
This was great and all, but I still wanted to get to the bottom of what in the hell happened to our phones. So I called and simply said, “umm, can I just ask a question…how the hell did this happen?” To which the lady on the other end audibly became upset herself as she muttered “those idiots at Microsoft…” WHAT?!?!?!? “What do they have to do with it?” I screamed. To which she replied, “Unfortunately, they are the ones who designed and run the virtual cloud that handles all of Sidekick’s information”. Yes. Microsoft and their love of selling broken products, even sold a broken virtual memory bank to T-Mobile. Shame on T-Mobile for partnering with the devil in the first place, but I place blame squarely where it belongs in this case, on the back of that apparently flame retardant company, MICROSOFT.
The average consumers getting viruses on their OS have no idea what to do, and companies are afraid to switch OS’s because Microsoft is the only thing most businesses “entertainment withstanding” know, and Mircosoft knows this, and so their terrible business model will never change. They even make people buy different versions of their stupid broken plague of an OS. Windows student, work, home, college, highschool, professional, premium, ultimate, and platinum editions “you’d be wrong to call this more than a slight alteration of the truth”…all broken in one way or another, forcing you to go spend a couple more hundred dollars when you realize the version you bought can’t f#$%^%$ read or type in Mandarin, Japanese, or any other language not automatically included in the language pack in every package.
“But doesn’t every OS offer variations to fit the consumers needs?”. No, they don’t, and why the hell would they. Why wouldn’t you just make ONE OS that offers every consumer, what every consumer needs? Well, there is one company with this mindset, and you guessed it, that company is Apple. Apple’s Mac OSX Snow Leopard is hands down the most intricate, advanced, and simple user interface, on the planet. I can speak in whatever the f!@# language I want, and I don’t have to go through menu after menu to do it. I don’t have to install any language packs, and I don’t have to buy a new keyboard. I click on the language flag at the top that I want, and I start typing. If there is something I never thought of that I need, I just try to do it, and the system already knows what I was trying to do. Apple is very meticulous in this sense. They create their products with surgeon like precision, and the ONLY thing that matters in the end, is end user satisfaction. Their goal is always to make innovative products that just work.
PC open source fanboys will argue that Apple controlling everything is taking the innovation out of the game, and that forcing us how to use our products takes away our freedoms. We bought the product, so why shouldn’t we have the right to do with it whatever we want to?
Stupid sh!t like this is what causes smart, educated folks like myself to lose there sh!t and go bat sh!t crazy just by hearing someone mention this abortion of a company, Microsoft. And don’t get me wrong. I’m a techie myself, and realize the necessity of an open source OS that allows you to do whatever you want in it. I only own two Pc’s, and I built them both from the ground up. As a techie, it’s the ONLY way I would ever buy a PC, because I know how to make it work properly, and for around $700 less than the general public would pay for a PC of equal power “both physically, and virtually”. On top of that, you won’t find Windows running them. No way. Only Unix.
Back in 1969, AT&T owned Bell Labs, in partnership with M.I.T. and General Electric “GE” researched and created what would ultimately become UNIX. These guys 41 years ago, developed the OS system Unix. The vision for the OS was brilliant, but the follow through was bad. Can you guess where the sore spot came from? Yap, AT&T, whom promptly gave up due to the complexities of the sytem.
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