Kung –Fu movies are one of my favorite movies to sit on the couch and watch. The fast pace fighting, the lore of some of the styles being displayed, even some of the antics the characters usually display. These movies are my guilty pleasure if I ever had one.
It’s been ages since I’ve watched or heard of a movie that touched on the sub-genre, which is mythical kung fu. Mythical Kung Fu is all about characters performing ridiculous techniques and moves, sometime glowing hands or in some cases elements being bent to their will, like Avatar: The Last Air Bender.
The Man with the Iron Fists aims to rectify this with bringing back those old tales of Mythical Kung Fu. One of the characters in the movie played by wrestler Batista apparently is impervious to swords and knives. While another dawns a pair of Iron gauntlets that resemble the ‘Cestus’ from God of War 3, which will be very interesting to see how he wields them.
Check out the trailer below.
The Man With the Iron Fists Red Band Trailer
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