So. It’s Monday, and I’m putting up a Lazy Sunday episode… because I was too lazy to do it yesterday! Haha… get it? April Fools?
Yeah whatever, you guys aren’t funny either.
This week I was playing with Jason, Dajuan, and Bearshaw. We decided to give Alien Swarm a whirl. As it was my first time even learning that this game was a thing, you can see that things didn’t go quite as planned. I figured out how to move and function quickly enough, but I somehow got it in my head that kicking things was a better option than using my gun. This tactic did not serve me well during later missions.
I started out as a Medic, but switched to an Engineer (or something, the guy that can hack) later on. My biggest challenge seemed to be getting Dajuan to STOP SHOOTING ME IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD GOD DAMN IT. SERIOUSLY, STOP.
Also, frame rate went to hell near the end. That’s not the video. That happened during our gameplay. My rig is apparently awesome.
In the end, we all had a blast. Totally worthwhile Sunday. Now enjoy. Let’s play some Alien Swarm.
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