Injustice Battle Arena Tournament Update, Plus Raven Reveal

Injustice: Gods Among Us is a new title in the fighting game genre from NetherRealm Studios and it features a growing cast of out favorite DC comic heroes. From Superman to Aquaman (best to worst? I couldn’t Resist) it’s a good bit of fun to watch your favorite comic stars beat the daylights out of each other, mechanics of the game completely aside. Today the news is a bit more specific though. We see the first trailer featuring Raven (who you probably know more from Teen Titans than from her participation in the Sentinels of Magic).

Though not much of an actual trailer, as for a long bit it just seems like a debut in “Cat Woman kicking Raven’s butt”, the match does manage to show off some of Ravens flashier skills. We’ll just have to wait a bit longer for an actual description of her move set and design. Think of it like a show match.

But the Raven business isn’t the only thing that’s been happening on the Injustice scene. The Battle Arena Tournament has seen its quarter finals come to a close.

With matches between Batman and Wonder Woman, Superman and Green Arrow, Aquaman and Green Lantern, and The Flash and The Joker, there is plenty of super hero beat down to watch. The videos of the fights can be seen here, on Injustice’s facebook page.

Personally, I’m rooting for The Batman. Always root for The Batman….

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