Gearbox Working on New Brothers in Arms Title

A new installment of the Brothers in Arms series has just been announced and it will concentrate on being more “authentic” according to its developer, Gearbox.

IGN spoke to Randy Pitchford, president of Gearbox Software, at Develop: Brighton and he said that the project was still in its early stages but once extra help was found, things would be moving pretty quickly.

“I think the next Brothers in Arms game has to be authentic and we have been working on that,” he says. “I feel we have unfinished business there with both the fiction and the history and I’d like to get into that. I spend a lot of time thinking about it.

However, Pitchford also expresses his dismay as the project is quite expensive and time-consuming. That is the main reason they have not announced the game yet, as he said himself,

“I feel like I’m on the brink of it, but we’re not quite there yet. Once it happens development will really take off and then sometime after that – if we don’t completely kill ourselves – we’ll announce.”

Gearbox Software are known for creating one of the most popular shooter-RPG franchises, Borderlands, but have also worked on the realistic World War II FPS franchise, Brothers in Arms. At first this franchise was critically acclaimed and received positive reviews (around the 80% on metacritic) but went on a downfall after its second installment leading to worse and worse review scores.

A screenshot of Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway

Lately, the Brothers in Arms series has been ported solely to iOS and Android with Brothers in Arms 2 receiving similar scores to the first installments in the franchise. Maybe this turn towards the realism will aid Gearbox Software to put one of their longest standing series back on the map.

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