Galio’s rework is finally here. That nasty gargoyle is back and he looks shiny, golden, and better than ever in a short video preview.
The official League of Legends Twitter posted the video, titling it “I’m Here. You’re Welcome.” It features the newly painted white and gold boy saving teammates and fighting bullies. His new personality reads like a pumped up super hero who really wants to bring justice to Summoner’s Rift.
He was originally teased on Thursday with a tweet that shows a statue blocking out the sun, and a shaken up Lux sitting on the battlefield.
The full visual and gameplay update will be available Patch 7.6.
"I’m Here. You’re Welcome.”
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) March 6, 2017
After watching the video, it’s obvious that Riot Games took an extremely over-the-top departure from his old ability set. A few of his new abilities got showcased in the trailer and just in-case you were confused on what they actually do, below is a completely speculative placeholder guide on Galio’s new abilities.
Galio’s New Move Groove
Windy Boy (Q): Galio uses his clean new wings to shoot two half-moon wind crescents at a target area.
Punch Time (Toggle W): Galio can channels his energy into his fists to do extra magic damage with each auto attack.
Big Slammer (E): Galio charges at an enemy giving them the ol’ one two into the air, then slams them into the ground.
I’m On My Way! (R): Galio jumps up and zooms to a target area dealing damage and knocking up all enemy champions in the zone.
Riot has had Galio’s champion update on their watchlist for a while now, but it looks like the gargoyle is finally getting his much-needed makeover. He used to be a crusty looking gremlin, and now he looks like a statue that I’d put a penny in at the park.
For more news on Galio, the Sentinel’s Sorrow and his new look stay tuned here.