Almost falling off the radar due to this busy gaming season, is Final Fantasy XIII-2. This is the direct sequel to 2010’s RPG from SquareEnix. Scheduled to be released at the end of January, FFXIII-2 allows the gamer to take control of Lightning’s sister, Serah. FFXIII-2 will follow the same active battle system as before however in this game, time travel will be a factor. With this in mind, you are able to see how certain areas look during different points in time.
Serah is on a mission to find and rescue her sister, while trying to not live in Lightning’s shadow. FFXIII-2 will feature new characters and some from the previous installment.
Check out these latest shots from Final Fantasy XIII-2. Some of these screens showcase the Crystarium, which is the level up system for FFXIII-2. Here you can assign abilities and boost your character’s abilities.