Fanatical Fandom — Featured Gamer: Ryan Musser

Fanatical Fan:

Ryan Musser



“My name is Ryan, everyone calls me Gun. I’m from Tempe, Arizona and I’m 24 years old. My favorite movies are Fight Club, Grandma’s Boy, and Kickass. My Favorite Band is hands down A day to Remember with Four Year Strong in a close second. Outside of gaming, I enjoy watching sports mostly football, playing my guitar and getting tattoos.”




Most Memorable Moments in Gaming:

8-Bit Brit: What was your most memorable gaming experience?

Ryan:  Best moment by far and the one I will always remember is the first MLG tournament I played in for Gears of War 1. Our pool play had 2 pro teams. We had no idea how good any of the other teams were  since we were just starting out. Which the teams would go on to become Team Infinity, and 50 frags later on. We only played Prophecy which originally consisted of God603, Dly, Mezmerize, and Sikimage.  Our first game of the tournament was Mansion versus them. When the match started they killed my three other teammates right out of the gate. Its now 1v4. So, I rushed boomshot in the back garden, and was surrounded right away but I managed to wall bounce shotty ALL four off host and win the round.  It was the best feeling in the world coming off clutch for my team. We ended up losing the rest of the match to them, but knowing I could hang with pros that early in my gaming career I knew I was in.

Gears of War Montage : “Guns Montage 3”


Favorite Video Games:

8-Bit Brit: What are your favorite video games?

Ryan: Gears of War the first one just because that set the tone for my competitive gaming mentality and it was the best one of the series, Im also into MW2, Black ops, Halo 2, and borderlands.  I play a lot of shooters just cause there all the best to play with friends wide spread and that’s the best thing about gaming, other then winning lol.  Borderlands is just one of those awesome dumb fun sort of games that you can jump in and out of easy.



8-Bit Brit: What got you into gaming and what drives you to stay playing games?

Ryan:  I got into serious gaming when the original Xbox came out, all my friends had one except me and it was around Halo2 days where everyone would have a lan party every weekend, and I always ended up beating everyone in every gametype we played, so I went out and bought and Xbox and my copy of  Halo 2 and from then on it was top or nothing. I play games now to try and go play in MLG, be it in Call of Duty or Gears of War  (I have a very good team for both, and my clanmates TEAM HEY!) and I always strive for the best and I hate losing, im super competitive so I usually end up having a great K/D and Win ratio in whatever game it is im playing.


8-Bit Brit:  If you could say one thing to any game developer, who would it be and what would you say?

Ryan: I would probably want to say something to Respawn Entertainment, Jason West, and Vince Zampella, and that I hope they sue the sh*t out of Activision. Lol.

8-Bit Brit: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck

Ryan: HAHA, I don’t know how much wood a woodchuck could chuck. I do know that Chuck Norris doesn’t need to chuck wood. He simply looks at the wood, and the wood chucks itself.


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