Well, it’s been exactly two years since EA first announced that they would start implementing an Online Pass system with their sports titles.
Subsequently, EA would move the Online Pass to all of their major online titles, including Battlefield and Medal of Honor (R.I.P.). Luckily, EA has seen that gamers are not responding positively to the move to the voucher system, so they have opted to do away with the pass altogether instead of attempting to update the update the rules of the “feature”.
This news rings positively to all gamers who wanted to purchase EA games used but worried that the cost of the Online Pass would push the price of the used title up with a new title. Many gamers saw the move to the voucher system as another money-grabbing move, attempting to profit even more on games that were out of the companies control.
Perhaps EA did so in response to their nomination and victory of the worst company in America twice in a row. EA fought Bank of America and many other sketchy American “big business” companies for the title, and it finally appears that they might actually care about their image.
So, that’s it, folks. Enjoy your EA games Online Pass-free. Let’s hope that this concept is never revived by any other gaming company in the future.