Dragon Age: Inquisition and Battlefield: Hardline Delayed

Two of EA‘s biggest titles of the year have been delayed past their original October releases.

Battlefield: Hardline has been pushed out of 2014 and will now be launching in early 2015. The reason behind the delay comes from the feedback Visceral Games received from the beta they held during E3 last month.

“We’ve been pouring over the data and feedback, and have already been putting a lot of it right into the game and sharing it directly with you,” Battlefield Blog reads. “This feedback also spurred us to start thinking about other possibilities and ways we could push Hardline innovation further and make the game even better. The more we thought about these ideas, the more we knew we had to get them into the game you will all be playing. However, there was only one problem. We would need more time. Time that we didn’t have if we decided to move forward with launching in just a couple of months.”


Dragon Age: Inquisition has also been delayed, but this one only a little over a month. Instead of its originally intended October 7th release date it has been delayed till Nov. 18 in North America, and Nov. 21 in Europe.

“We appreciate the enormous support we’ve received from all of you to get to this point, and while this extra few weeks may not seem like a lot, I know the game you’ll play will be all the better for it.” Mark Darrah said in a post on Dragon Age’s website “This last bit of time is about polishing the experience we want you to see. Ensuring that our open spaces are as engaging as possible. Strengthening the emotional impact of the Hero’s choices. And ensuring the experience you get is the best it can be in the platform you choose to play on.”

So what do you think about the delays? Are you glad EA is pushing these games back to give the developers the time they need the deliver the best games possible? Let us know in the comment section below.


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