Many gamers believe that Dragon Age 2 was rushed out and could have been so much more. Others still believe that Dragon Age 2 has great characters and story to boot. Regardless on what you believe Bioware and EA are taking their sweet time with Dragon Age 3. Only whispers can be heard as far as Dragon Age 3 is concerned.
Now we might have something. As seen on Tumblr, the possible logo for Dragon Age 3 has surfaced. It is still unclear if this is the true logo for Bioware‘s RPG game and if it is, perhaps we will see more of Dragon Age 3 at PAX and the months to come.
Looking more into the “logo leak”, a few sites are reporting that a survey went out to gamers asking questions on what they would like to see from Dragon Age 3. Many sites and forums like NeoGAF and Bioware’s Social, are already talking up a storm regarding the survey, logo and possible character artwork.