The Comic Fanatic: Week of 5/2 – Avengers VS X-Men, Age of Apocalypse, Wolverine and the X-Men, FreakAngels

Welcome back, True Believers. This week we have another good issue over Avengers VS X-Men. Be sure to check out the full review of issue 3. Also, we have the final issue of Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega, and I can’t say I’m sorry to see it go. The art is pretty good, but the story was lukewarm at best. Also, Quire gets of way too easily. I know if you trapped ME in my own head for a while and used me like a toy, I’d kick your sorry ass. And that’s me we’re talking about. A middle class socially inept nerd. Wolverine should have ripped Quire a new one after the stunts he’s pulled. But no, he is essentially rewarded. Wait for the trade paperback to hit around $10.

This week we have Age of Apocalypse #3. I really like this series. Dark, gritty, cool characters and fantastic art. I can’t help but feel that this issue is setting up something big for the next few. There’s a lot of pieces being moved in this issue. Also, a few of the X-Terminated end the issue in mortal peril. It is a wonderfully written war story, and I look very forward to seeing where it goes. It’s always risky relaunching a beloved story, but I think that the crew behind this series knows what they’re doing. It is definitely one of the books I look forward to most (right up there with Uncanny X-Men).

KK of the FreakAngels

This past week I read the first volume of FreakAngels ( A post-apocalyptic comic about 12 individuals with a variety of powers (including telepathy). It’s kinda steampunk, kinda Mad Max, a little bit 12 Monkeys. But it is really awesome. Very will written by Warren Ellis, and beautifully illustrated by Paul Duffield. It’s all available online, and also collected into print. I love post-apocalyptic stories, and this is shaping up to be one of my favorites. Be sure to check it out!

That’s all for this week

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