Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Expands this January with the Sabotage DLC

Infinite Warfare

January 31st is the date chosen by Infinity Warfare to deploy the first DLC for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Sabotage will expand on the multiplayer side, with a list of new maps and a another zombie (mis)adventure.

It only took a month for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare to become the US’s top selling console game of 2016, according to a report made by the NPD Group. Although the proclaim excluded digital sales and centered on consoles, there’s no doubt that Activision has cashed in a fair amount of revenue with their latest installment.

It seems like these numbers could easily grow with the arrival of its first DLC, Sabotage, which is currently scheduled for next month already.

Infinite Warfare

Infinite Warfare Goes Sabotage

Infinity Ward has chosen the dev diary format on YouTube to let us know what’s in stock for us. It’s important to note that in this occasion, all its contents are heavily focused on the multiplayer aspect of the game. In this way, we’ll be enjoying of four new maps and a new zombie mode, Rave in the Redwoods.

The new maps go by the names of Noir, Renaissance, Neon, and Dominion. Noir takes us to a futuristic version of Brooklyn while Neon plunges us into a thriving training simulator. Renaissance, as its name echoes, brings Venice into the spotlight. Lastly, Dominion probably deserves a special place for the nostalgic; it’s basically a Modern Warfare 2 remake of the classic map Afghan. It kind of ties very well to the Infinite Warfare theater of war in that it happens in Mars and offers extra tweaks, adapted to new gameplay mechanics. However, you should be able to spot also all the distinctive landmarks that made Afghan such a revered battle location in the past.

On the other hand, Rave in the Redwoods distances itself from Zombies in Spaceland. At least for a bit since, well, the zombies are still there! Jumping from the 80s directly into the 90s, the four characters of the mode are off for a real rave treat this time. The map starts in a sort of creepy, dark summer camp overtaken by rave kids. And only when you think that things are about to get creepier, the magic of jabber music happens and the action starts.

Sabotage launches on January 31st, first on PlayStation 4. There’s no date yet for the Xbox One and PC versions although these should not appear much later than that.

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