Tyler Perry will be assuming the role of Alex Cross which for me is better late than never. Tyler Perry in my eyes is a one trick pony relying solely on two things. A) Dressing up like a woman or B) Having some message sent to the audience that often has to do with religion and overcoming obstacles. Which isn’t a bad thing just very tiresome, especially when that’s his message in nearly all of his films or plays.
But I digress, now then onto the movie at hand. Alex Cross is a detective that has appeared in two previous movies created by novelist James Patterson, the films being ‘Along Came a Spider’ and ‘Kiss the Girls’ . Both movies featured Morgan Freeman as the lead role. I personally have not read anything James Patterson has written but I love both of those movies and I’m sure this this one shall be a blast. Especially after watching the trailer.
Matthew Fox from Lost will also be in the movie as the madman going around killing everyone, and man did he get ripped. Check out the trailer below and tell us what you think in the comment section.
Alex Cross Trailer
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