We’re getting closer and closer to one of the biggest and hottest video game events: E3. Each edition gives companies their chance to shine with announcements and surprising reveals. In this case, Bethesda already sent an invite at the beginning of this month with the text “Save the Date”, featuring a theme park feel. Their second invitation is way more revealing and it also gives a teaser into their E3 2017 plans.
We already know that Bethesda is working on two new games that will match the scope and size of Fallout and Skyrim. A quick look at the colorful Bethesdaland reveals two interesting attractions under construction. Moreover, one of them has a “Coming Soon” sign on top. Ideas or suggestions, anyone? Bethesdaland got way more interesting all of a sudden!
Bethesdaland’s Invite Under the Lens
If we look closer to the invitation, we see some of Bethesda’s creations. Starting from the main gates and going clockwise, we encounter: Fallout 4, Dishonored 2, Prey, New IP 1, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Doom, Quake Champions and New IP 2.
Following this particular road map, we can predict some of their announcements during E3 2017. To start with, Fallout 4 is getting a VR version that promises to be a game changer while Dishonored 2 still has more DLC on the way. Prey is coming on May 5, so we may see something new, like DLC, in development for it. The presence of the Elder Scrolls in the top corner could mark the arrival of Skyrim to the Nintendo Switch, and fresh news relating to the Morrowind expansion for The Elder Scrolls Online. DOOM is also waiting on expansion and we may get the release date of Quake Champions (slated to happen this year).
Bethesland is opening its gates on June 11 at 6:30 PM PTD. The Game Fanatics will cover everything there is to know about it.
What are your bets on this one, Fanatics? What would you like to see at Bethesda’s E3 Showcase? Let us know in the comment section down below!