Phoenix Wright 5 is heading to the Nintendo 3DS and Apollo Justice is coming along for the ride.
As for what role Apollo Justice will be playing, that is still unknown. At this point in time, we have a scan of Apollo who seems to have seen some trouble. His arms and eye are both covered up by bandages.
Ace Attorney 5 was brought to our attention last year, however Capcom did say in 2007 that a fifth game within the Phoenix Wright series was in production. Said game should be releasing in Japan some time this year with a release in the States in the UK to shortly follow.
Phoenix Wright 5 will be fully voiced by those at Capcom as well as professional voice actors. It will take place a year after the events of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney and features a new assistance named Kizuki. With the use of the 3DS, you will be able to look at crimes scenes like never before.
Apollo had his debut back in 2007/2008 and is the fourth game in the Ace Attorney series. Apollo took center stage once Phoenix had his attorney licence taken away. With Ace Attorney 5, Phoenix Wright will be playable again, back in action and cleared of past charges.