Age of Wushu Welcomed to US by Jet Li

Snail Games not only piqued their players’ interest by unveiling their martial arts-based MMO Age of Wushu this week, but before it even hits North American shores, gamers will undoubtedly familiarize themselves with the new face of the upcoming title.

Renowned martial artist and acclaimed movie star Jet Li will be endorsing the game under a two year contract for Snail Games, which not only includes making appearances and filming TV spots, but representing the actual style of fighting that Li has been practicing since the age of eight.

Wushu, the Chinese martial art from which the game’s domestic release obtains its namesake, is composed of full-contact moves as well as aerial tactics that movie buffs and players alike have come to appreciate throughout Jet Li’s expansive filmography. Known most recently as one of the members of 2010’s action flick The Expendables along with Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis, Li is now using the flair and dexterity previously demonstrated in movies Unleashed and Romeo Must Die to promote Age of Wushu’s intense and similarly skill-based combat.

The game has already acquired more than 20 million users in the Snail Games’ homeland of China alone, and E3 goers will be getting a sneak peek at an early build of its American version this week.

As acquainted as gamers may be with its spokesperson, Age of Wushu will be introducing a potentially unorthodox exclusion of levels and classes otherwise expected by MMORPG fans, making the outcome of every game virtually impossible to predict. International testing period begins soon for those interested in being the first to move with superhuman speed and perform gravity-defying leaps and sprints.

Li’s other current projects include returning as Yin Yang for The Expendables 2 with the same gang, but look forward to Chuck Norris, Jean Claude Van Damme and Liam Hemsworth joining the crew this August.

For more information about Age of Wushu, head over to the game’s official website.



Source: Snail Games USA

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