An edict by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China prohibits the sale of video game consoles and accessories in the country by any foreign company or individual. The solution? The mighty eBox. PC maker Lenovo is developing the eBox under it’s Beijing Eedoo Technology wing; loopholes ftw. The eBox is set to be released sometime after the Chinese New Year, “the exact release date has yet to be decided,” Eedoo spokesperson Zhang Zhitong after a delay in production was announced today.
Nevertheless, Microsoft and even Sony are not going down without a fight; both companies are actively working with regulators in the province, trying to get their respective consoles to be street legal. Eedoo claims to not be phased by their challengers, believing that the Ebox, which will have a launch lineup of 30 titles, will sell 12 million consoles. This number is a little bit of an under-achievement in our books, considering the fact that it’s barely up to 1% of the entire Chinese population.