Sony has managed to secure itself a 6 month exclusivity period for the PlayStation 4 for Assassins Creed 4 and Watch Dogs DLC. Both platforms are pretty much identical in terms of hardware and capability, so it looks like the way Sony and Microsoft will entice gamers teetering on the edge of buying one console over the other will have to do so with exclusive titles and exclusive rights to multiplatform titles.
Both Assassins Creed 4 and Watch Dogs will get 60 extra minutes of gameplay with some DLC content later down the line, but if you want to play it first you’ll have to do so on the PlayStation 4. Watch Dogs itself was already delayed as a launch title not too long ago, so it looks like there will be an even longer wait for that DLC on Xbox One.
A lot of the decision making into deciding what console to purchase versus another usually boils down to exclusive games, but we might expect to take exclusive DLC content into consideration by the looks of it in the next generation of consoles. With this model, the parties that would benefit the most would be developers and publishers. Gamers themselves might find themselves getting the short end of the stick if content for a multiplatform game takes a few months to reach the other platform, as opposed to the usual few weeks or a month we’ve been used to with this current generation of consoles.
Now that the next generation is just around the corner, have you decided what console to buy? Will you be an early adopter to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, both, or neither? Why?
Source: Geek