10 Tumblr Blogs Every Gamer Should Follow

Ah Tumblr, everyone’s favorite microblogging platform. From pictures to audio, and embedded video, Tumblr has really become a  great source to find a lot of cool things, especially for gamers. Since we’ve expanded onto Tumblr, we’ve come across some great blogs that we believe you, as techies, nerds, and gamers, should be following!  Check out our list of the 10 Tumblr Blogs Every Gamer Should Follow (in no specific order), bookmark them, and enjoy them just as much as we do!



1Gourmet Gaming is a blog dedicated to bringing video game food dishes to life, after all there’s no better match than good food, and good games. Providing unique recipes that allows gamers to recreate food items, Gourmet Gaming is the perfect blog for gamers to follow, put their cooking skills to the test, and trying new, delicious, things.


2The Drunken Moogle takes your gaming experience one step further by providing home-made recipes to alcoholic beverages inspired by your favorite games! In fact, [pullquote_right]geek culture and booze.[/pullquote_right]we may have made a misstatement in the above, because everyone knows that good drinks also go well with good games. The Drunken Moogle also showcases geeky glassware alongside nerdy cocktails; it’s pure awesome with no cheap chasers.


3.   Insanely Gaming is the perfect fan blog solely intended for video games.  Ran by a passionate female gamer, Insanely Gaming is a great way to meet other gamers as well as fulfill your daily gaming needs. Follow the blog’s creator – @InsanelyGaming!


4.  Gamefreaks is the perfect place to visit to over-indulge your geekery needs!  From video games to movies, Gamefreaks has something for everyone and keeps you up to date with what’s happening in the nerd-verse.  Follow them on Twitter – @gamefreaksnz!


5. Official Tomb Raider Blog, for everything Tomb Raider related. You’ll find not only Tomb Raider news but screenshots, artwork, and a great community roundup as well. This is a must-follow for fans of what is arguably the best-selling video game franchise (of all time). The blog is run by Meagan Marie, the queen of cosplay.  Find the game on Twitter – @tombraider.


6.  Gamer Music is a place where gamers can listen to their favorite songs from any video game.  Search by game and console to find the song of your choice and hum, sing, or even dance along!

For all of us geeks who appreciate the music behind the games and rock them on our iPods.


7.  The Frag DollsUbisoft’s all-girl, all badass, gamers, have a Tumblr blog where they keep you updated on the latest in their world and the world of gaming in general. You can also follow them on Twitter (@fragdolls).


8.  No boys allowed!  So geek chic is a blog for females by females covering all things geek and all things chic!  [http://www.sogeekchic.tumblr.com/]


9.  The official blog for SteelSeries products including headphones, computer mice, and other gaming accessories. You can also find the SteelSeries brand on Twitter: @SteelSeries.


10.  Galaxy Next Dooris a great way to stay up to date on the latest and greatest in video games! Find them on Twitter: @galaxynextdoor


While this is by no means a definitive list, it should be adequate enough to fill your Tumblr dashboard with video game goodness.

Shameless Plug

Aside from our Game Fanatics Tumblr, we also run some pretty fantastic blogs, if we do say so ourselves. You can add these to the list of Tumblr blogs to follow:

F#$! YEAH UNCHARTED is your #1 source for everything Uncharted related! Featuring screenshots, Gifs, and other cool stuff from Naughty Dog’s Uncharted franchise.

F#$! YEAH THE LAST OF US is, you guessed it, your #1 source for everything The Last of Us related and showcases some of the coolest concept artwork you’ll find on the web. Can you tell how much we admire Naughty Dog’s work?


If you think we left any cool Tumblr blogs out, do let us know in the comments, we’d love to see what other blogs are out there that we haven’t come across yet!

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