We Could Have an Xbox One Wearable Next Year

Microsoft is expected to release a wearable device compatible with the Xbox One at some point in 2015, according to Xbox One supplier. Exertis, Joe Officer.

This statement comes in the wake of Microsoft’s not-so-creatively-named ‘Microsoft Band’ selling out within a day of its announcement, so naturally Microsoft would have to be insane not to strike while the iron’s hot. Accordingly, in regards to wearables, Joe Officer stated that Microsoft has plans to release a ‘spate of devices’ for the Xbox One next year.

Though reviews of the ‘Microsoft Band’ haven’t been great, technophilia seems to be a very common condition these days, and people are always itching to get the latest technology. The future is here, and people love it.

This could prove to be a smart move for Microsoft, who are already seeing improved sales since dropping the Kinect from the One and shipping the console out to retail at $400, a price matching up against the PlayStation 4.

On top of that, the Xbox One saw even further price drops for Black Friday, falling to prices as low as $329, and that was with a copy of Assassin’s Creed: Unity (a deal of debatable value considering how badly Ubisoft messed the bed on that one) and a $50 Target gift card. In fact, on Friday the One dramatically outsold the PS4, its biggest competitor, apparently commanding 54% of the market.

Though this isn’t necessarily a sign that the One is making a comeback as a comparable device selling for a better price will obviously move more units, but it is definitely a sign that Microsoft is willing to do what it must to ensure the success of its console, especially considering the PR disaster that was the pre-release of the Xbox One.

With that in mind, it seems likely that at least one of the new Xbox One Wearable devices Microsoft plans on releasing will be compatible with the One. It’s interesting to note that console was built with fitness in mind, and it already has housed several fitness apps in the Xbox Marketplace. It’s a match made in heaven from a marketing standpoint, and Microsoft will surely leap at the opportunity.

[alert size=”alert-block”]As exciting as it may be, there’s still some speculation at this point, made even more suspicious by the fact that PCR–our original source–took down the link with their statement. Take this with a grain of salt.[/alert]

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