Xbox One ‘Did You Know?’ Video Reveals Price Drop

Just yesterday, Microsoft announced a big price drop for the Xbox One in a video coined “Did You Know?” Here’s what we know now.

After beginning this console generation as the most expensive system on the market, Microsoft’s Xbox One has revealed a dramatic drop in retail price. In a new promotional video released today entitled Xbox One: Did You Know?, the company revealed that it is now available for $299. The system available for this price is the 500 GB version with one game packed in. According to the various stores offering this deal, the pack-in game is a code for Forza Motorsport 6, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, and Rare Replay. All in all, the price is definitely right if you’re looking to pick up an  Xbox One.

What Else Does the Xbox One Get You For $299?

In addition to the price drop, the video focuses on two other points designed to separate itself within the video game console market. The first is that “Xbox One is the only system with every top ten best-selling console game from 2015,” which is a slightly perplexing claim considering that a quick glance at NPD’s top 10 bestselling games of 2015 shows them all available on PS4 as well. Microsoft doesn’t reference where that information comes from, so take that for what it is.

The second point mentioned in the video is Xbox One’s ever-growing list of backward compatible games that can be brought over from the Xbox 360. Seeing as how their previous system had a massive install base, this feature is key to bringing stragglers into the current console generation, and making sure they stick with Microsoft.

Here’s the video in question, featuring footage from Quantum Break, Gears of War 4, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and more. Have a look and let us know in the comments whether this makes you want to pick up an Xbox One now that you can get it for $299.

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