Xbox One can now Play Halo: Reach, Braid, and Portal

Backwards Compatability Xbox One Games

With only 8 days before Christmas, Microsoft is giving gamers the gift of nostalgia! 16 more Xbox 360 games have been added to the list of Xbox One backwards compatible titles.Those game are:

Braid Arcade Microsoft Studios
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Games on Demand Square Enix
Doritos Crash Course Arcade Microsoft Studios
Fable III Games on Demand Microsoft Studios
Halo: Reach Games on Demand Microsoft Studios
Hydro Thunder Arcade
Iron Brigade Arcade Microsoft Studios
Kane & Lynch 2 Games on Demand Square Enix
Motocross Madness Arcade Microsoft Studios
Ms. Pac-Man Arcade Bandai Namco Entertainment
Peggle Arcade PopCap Games
Portal: Still Alive Arcade Microsoft Studios
Spelunky Arcade Microsoft Studios
Splosion Man Arcade Microsoft Studios
Ticket to Ride Arcade Microsoft Studios
Zuma’s Revenge! Arcade PopCap Games

Remember that you don’t have to pay for the games again if you already have them on disc or digitally. And just like all previously-announced backwards compatible games, players have access to all of the features the Xbox 360 possess. This means you keep your Gamerscore, game saves, add-ons, and achievements.

Additionally, you gain access to features the Xbox One provide, such as taking screenshots, streaming and recording in-game DVR clips. You also will be able to play online with other players, no matter which generation of hardware they play the game on.


Backwards compatibility for the Xbox One was announced at this year’s E3 press conference. The service officially launched November 12. Since then, Mircosoft announced that over 9 million hours of Xbox 360 gaming has been on their current-gen hardware. Microsoft has also said that their most popular Xbox 360 titles have been Fallout 3, Gears of War 3, Just Cause 2, Assassin’s Creed II, and DiRT 3.

With these latest additions, the number of backwards compatible Xbox 360 games increases to 120 titles and counting for the Xbox One.

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