Welcome to Press Start! This is a weekly segment that dives into what we here at The Game Fanatics are currently playing. Feel free to leave a comment with what you’ve been playing or if you have any questions about the games that we are currently involved with.
Jake: Halo 4. More Halo 4. Pokemon White 2 while waiting in line for Halo 4. Some Need for Speed Most wanted before Halo 4. Beat Halo 4 on Legendary despite some stupid frustrations because I turned of the console mid mission. But now Halo 4 multiplayer.
Darrin: Assassin’s Creed III: Brotherhood (Vita). Never before has playing a strong, independent, badass female been so… entertaining yet frustrating. Also, My Little Pony (iOS) because PONIES, and replaying the Epic Mickey 2 (PS3) demo over and over and over.
David: More Halo 4 than should be humanly possible. Somehow also managing the find the time for some Final Fantasy Theatrhythm, The War Z and AC3!
Jeff: It’s been a Nintendo kind of weekend. New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, and Shaq Fu. It’s hard to complain about great games like those.
Joel: I spent most of my time playing Guild Wars 2 and Borderlands 2. Spent some time playing NBA 2k13 and Persona 3 Portable on my Vita. Excited to return to Star Wars the Old Republic when it goes free to play!

Enis: Halo 4. Halo 4. And more Halo 4. Beat Legendary, Spartan Ops Ep.1 on Legendary. About to reach my first specialization soon. Just so much fun to play. I don’t have one negative thing to say really. Very pleased. That’s pretty much all I’ve played this week. Halo 4.
Jen: I finished up Assassin’s Creed 3 right before starting up Halo 4. I was actually in the credits when my husband came home with out copies of Halo 4. Got off of Balmorra with my Jedi Shadow yesterday in Star Wars the Old Republic. Not sure how I feel about it going to F2P yet, but I could use new meet in my guild on the Ebon Hawk server. Bejeweled 3 got some action, mainly because I was trying to fall asleep.
Ben: I spent this week finishing up Okami HD which is fantastic. Full review coming soon but seriously, if you like Zelda games even a little bit, you have to play this game. Anyway, after that I started playing Prototype and have been pleasantly surprised at how much fun it is to throw cars everywhere and cause general mayhem.
Chris W.: Spent a few days playing the Walking Dead comic series game on Xbox, not done much else as I’ve been eagerly awaiting BO2. The Walking Dead has a very good enthralling story line, also loving the comic book style graphics.