Reported by Eurogamer at the recent media event for Vanquish. Creator Shinji Mikami had a lot say, as to why there wouldn’t be any multiplayer in the upcoming title (hopefully coming to N.America). With reports that the video game would be without it, caused a stir amongst the gaming industry.
But Mikami had this to say to the press in response. “That’s the main reason we’re keeping Vanquish as a single-player experience — to deliver the level of impact, the level of detail and the visuals we want to offer,”
Going further into explanation, the single player game is “full of action” and “very intense”, with the none of the meat or fat trimmed off for a multiplayer mode, saying “ the (multiplayer)component would require shaving a lot of things off in order to make them work” and finished with is this, “It kind of boils down to whether you have the multiplayer but you don’t have that much impact, and end up being like everyone else … or even below par.”
Finally somebody is taking a chance on giving people the full single player experience that has been lost in recent years.
Although the game is currently being released in Japan only right now, Mikami knows he’s not going to let this pass up on every gamer. Stay tuned for more.